Tuesday, March 11th, 2025
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Nahil Matloob
Sales Representative
Homelife\Bayview Realty Inc., Brokerage
Independently owned and operated.
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Nahil Matloob Sales Representative Homelife\Bayview Realty Inc., Brokerage Independently owned and operated. pic 505 Hwy.7 East,suite 201, Thornhill, Ontario L3T7T1 pic Cell: 647 402 0678 | Office: 905 889 2200 pic soldbynahil@yahoo.ca

                   WE ARE #1 OFFICE IN CANADA

                     FOR OVER 25 CONSECUTIVE YEARS

Why Buy A Home?

Purchasing a residential property is the greatest investment most families will ever make. However, in some cases, individuals enter into these transactions unprepared and unfamiliar with the procedures and the responsibilities involved in home ownership. First time buyers may not know what questions to ask and who to ask, thus they may end up having insufficient information and therefore making regrettable decisions.

Why Buy A Home It is imperative that a buyer fully comprehend the entire process of purchasing and owning a home as the prospect exists for the loss of many thousands of dollars as well as unfortunate and expensive legal entanglements. That is why the decision to purchase a home should not be made lightly or impetuously, and careful consideration must be given to each of the many factors involved in the purchase and long term ownership of any residential unit.

There is nothing like owning a home in the measure of financial and emotional stability that it can give a family. Home ownership has historically proven to be an excellent investment: far outstripping the stock market, bank deposits, or the overall rate of inflation. Families also appreciate the freedom to redecorate, expand, reconfigure, or customize their residences in any way they deem fit.

However, home ownership also carries with it significant responsibilities. The purchase of a home invariably demands a Why Buy A Homesizeable down payment as well as significant closing and legal costs. Over and above the mortgage payment there are also various taxes, levies and utility payments many renters do not have to confront. Maintenance and repairs also represent considerable expenditures, as when the roof leaks or the electrical shorts out it is not sufficient to just call the landlord or manager and let them take care of the situation.

The process of purchasing a residential property is a thrilling time in anyone's life and it is easy to let emotions take over common sense. It is to be expected that purchasing a home is an emotional process, but a fundamental key to a successful real estate transaction is that cold reason and hard facts be considered first and foremost. The buyer must sort out the excitement from the reality and attempt to minimize the emotional response through the negotiation proceedings in order to make sound, logical, and correct decisions.

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Nahil Matloob
Sales Representative
Homelife\Bayview Realty Inc. , Brokerage
Independently owned and operated.